Business and




  • Translation of medical reports for a second opinion from a US/UK or international specialist;
  • Translation of M&A related Due Diligence documentation (e.g. power generation related);
  • Translation of internal quarterly reports from foreign subsidiaries (e.g. telecoms);
  • Translation and summarization of R&D related reports (e.g. optics, semiconductor fabs, biotechnology);
  • Translation related to international projects or bids for the same such as power plants, desalination plants and refineries;
  • Translation of train related technology, whether to understand a rival’s technology, or to assist in bidding on large projects;
  • Translation of technical articles or summaries for Journal publication in English.
  • Translation of tourism related materials for museums and outdoor attractions and historic sites.


Mike studied and worked in Japan for a total of 17 years and has lived in Spain for the last 12 years, all the while participating in business at a high level, either as country manager, or as an expert called in to sort problems. Mike has presented on Risk Management to Japanese business people as well as engaging in lobbying of the Japanese government. In addition, Mike ghost wrote/translated Medical Journal paper for Acta Medica Okayama (1978-1980).

Mike translated reviews of a concert tour in Spain for the late David Bowie in 1987 and follows closely developments in Spanish Train Technology related projects. Medical tourism is a growing industry but requires detailed and accurate documentation in the lingua franca of international medicine which is English.

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